Thursday, August 28, 2008

My first visit with the Oncologist

After calling the Doctor and getting a referral to an oncologist as a new patient, we headed over for my first appointment with someone that specialises with cancer. He's located at his clinic in Jackson TN. He met with us and got a basic workup done which included basic vitals lengthy written evaluation, blood and urine work, and he ordered a CT of my Chest and Throat. He was very impressive, had great people skills and seemed very knowledgeable. I was particularly impressed by his University of Tennessee lapel pin that he seemed to ware with pride. The office is very modern and easy to navigate, I say this because it's also much larger than your typical doctors office. Before we left he made one last decision. He ordered a needle biopsy to be done the next day at the Hospital. He decided to have them biopsy one of the enlarged lymph nodes in my stomach. We were to come back at the end of the week for the results.

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