Friday, September 5, 2008

Diagnoses - Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary Site - Stage 4

Went back to see the oncologist Friday. Needless to say I was pretty Scared. He didn't have good news. His Diagnoses - Adenocarcinoma of Unknown Primary Site. Stage 4. He says its not curable. He estimates I have 6months to a year to live. He says due to my age of 47 and the fact that all my primary organs are clear so far of any type of mass, with treatment I might make it another 12 months or so. Just depends every ones different and some take to treatment better than others. He says we should probably treat my cancer as a "Adenocarcinoma of the lung" since we are with out knowing the primary source. He says that's about a 40 % chance of being right. He recommends that I come back Monday and get a Brain and Bone scan done and on Tuesday to get a Upper GI done.

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